WHOIS Search, type in the domain name below

Whois Search

What is a WHOIS search?

Whois is a widely used Internet record list that identifies domain owners and their contact information. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates domain name registration and ownership. Whois records have proven to be very useful and have become an essential resource in maintaining the integrity of the domain name registration and website ownership process.

What does a WhOis entry contain?

Whois records contain all contact information associated with a person, group, or company that has registered a particular domain name. Each Whois entry typically contains the name and contact information of the registrant (the owner of the domain), the name and contact information of the registrar (the organization or trading entity that registered the domain name), registration data, nameservers, last modified date, and expiration date. Whois records may also include contact information for managers and technicians (often, but not always, registrants).

Whois Privacy.

It is important to note that there is no way to hide the existence of a domain registration, as anyone can check Whois to verify the status of a domain. We require the contact information of the person who operates it to be made public through a Whois directory. This includes addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.

With so many registrars and whois servers, tracking whois information can be very tedious. DomainTools makes it easy to find Whois information in one place. Our Whois lookup is a good place to start.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are always happy to help, if you can’t find the information you are looking for please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

What is WHOIS search?

WHOIS is a tool that helps you find information about a domain name, it will confirm if a domain name is available. If you want to find out a domain name’s availability, you can use our WHOIS search tool on this page.

It will show you the name of the registrar and the details of the registrar. The personal information of the person or company who owns the domain will not be publicly visible. Most countries have privacy laws in place that prevents the sharing of personal information without consent.